Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cloud Study Box Art

"Cloud Study" is now complete! Painting in the middle of the street in broad daylight has its interesting attributes--from random shout-outs to curious passerbys who ask me questions--it is overall a good vibe that I receive from fellow San Diegans. Thankfully, the San Diego weather hasn't been harsh on me at all; out of the five days, three of them were sunny days, two of them bright white days, like the one shown in the picture. In fact, while painting this outside, I was fortunate to get to experience the beautiful weather changes within every few hours; I feel that these dramatic changes are reflected in the art piece as well.

The sides of the box facing either streets measure 3' 9" or 3' 6" (or 45" x 42"), and the sides perpendicular to the streets measure 3' 9" by 3" (or 45" x 36"); the whole box took a total of 20 hours over the course of 5 days to complete.
©Martina Lo